
NAV Easy Security Light versions

With no changes to base objects is upgrading Easy Security Light in most cases very simple. Just import the new objects to the database and compile all objects with ESL* in the Version List. If an object exists with Modified=Yes or other modifications must a NAV developer look at merging the changes.

Please read the "_README FIRST_.txt" for instruction how to install the product in your existing database.

Watch these videos for install, setup and an introduction to the application.
Install and Setup of NAV Easy Security Light
Registration of NAV Easy Security Light
Maintaining Users with NAV Easy Security Light
Maintaining Permission Sets with NAV Easy Security Light
Recording Permission Sets with NAV Easy Security Light
Using Snapshots with NAV Easy Security Light

ESL1.15 (Released 2015 7/27) RAR-file ZIP-file
A few tables was not deleted with the function to remove NAV Easy Security Light. This has been changed.
NAV 2013 and later: NAV by default track all changes to security related tables with the Change Log. It is now possible to get to the Change Log Entries easily from NAV Easy Security Light.

ESL1.14 (Released 2015 5/29) RAR-file ZIP-file
The Limited User calculation is not using the tables added until October 2014.
NAV 2013 and later: One of the FlowFields was not calculating correctly in the Role Center. This has been changed.
NAV 2015: The function to submit a registration with e-mail was not working properly. This has been corrected.
The SQL Profiler template for SQL 2014 was not correct and did not allowed filtereing on the database name. This has been corrected
New written documentation for NAV Easy Security Light has been added. Please refer to the Online Help files.

ESL1.13 (Released 2014 10/20) RAR-file ZIP-file
A new function in NAV 2015 caused a conflict with a name in the code. This has been changed.
The License No. is now shown in the Security Setup

ESL1.12 (Released 2014 10/11) RAR-file ZIP-file
SQL Profiler template for SQL 2014 has been added.

ESL1.12 (Released 2014 09/18) RAR-file ZIP-file
NAV 2015 objects has been added to release files.

ESL1.12 (Released 2014 06/07) RAR-file ZIP-file
Add Access Controls has been added to the Login lists.
NAV 2013 R2 only: The code caused some compile warnings with obsolete tables being used. This has been corrected.
NAV 2013 and later: A few images was added in some pages.
The structure of the code has been cleaned up in a table.

ESL1.10 (Released 2013 11/20) RAR-file ZIP-file
NAV 2013 R2 version has been included.
The included objects for Limited User counting has been updated to match the current rules from Microsoft.

ES1.09 (Released 2013 07/11) RAR-file ZIP-file
The default MenuSuite for Easy Security Light is now 53 and 1053. If previous default MenuSuite (51 and 1051) was imported should they be deleted before upgrading.
The MenuItems added by Easy Security Light can now be found in the Administration menu too.
The import of SQL Profiler traces could fail if very long lines existed. This has been changed.
The order of the fields in the registration has changed.
NAV 2013 Only: Some field has been extended to 50 characters to accommodate the longer User ID in this version.
NAV 2013 Only: Language modules has been added for all countries released.

ESL1.08 (Released 2013 03/08) RAR-file ZIP-file
Additional information like Server Name, Database Name and License Number has been added the to the Security Setup.
MenuButtons now has an image in the RoleTailored Client. This has changed several pages and the forms has got a new version list.
Very long table name could cause an error. This has been corrected.
Copy Access Control was not working properly in NAV 2013. This has been corrected.

ESL1.07 (Released 2012 11/14) RAR-file ZIP-file
A new report has been added that can be used to verify the number of tables used by any process in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. By using this process can a process be verified so only the proper number of tables are changed by the process. This YouTube video show how this is used.
A button on the Security setup was not clued properly, this has been corrected.

ESL1.06 (Released 2012 10/7) RAR-file ZIP-file
NAV 2013 version has been included of NAV Easy Security Light. The new naming and concept for users has been included. This has caused the terminology to be very different from earlier versions of NAV.
A SQL Profiler template for SQL 2012 has been included.
The process for creating a Snapshot has been improved by automatically creating a new Snapshot if needed.
The Export and Import of Roles now support using the name PERMISSION SET or ROLE.

ESL1.05 (Released 2012 6/9) RAR-file ZIP-file
NAV 2013 beta version of Easy Security Light is included.
A Role Center has been added for Easy Security Light.
Small corrections to the RoleTailored application.

ESL1.03 (Released 2012 4/30) RAR-file ZIP-file.

Recording with the SQL Profiler require a SQL 2005 or later database server.

Import the objects into a CRONUS database to test the functions in Easy Security Light. Additional language must be imported after importing the objects.

Without a registration Key is the recording limited to TableData in the ranges 1..50 and 10000..99999. With the limited range is recording very well suited for updating standard NAV roles with customizations (50000-99999) and country localizations (10000..49999). If new roles are going to be created is the registered version best.

The Easy Security Light product is available for partners to use for free. A Partner Registration Key is required for using Easy Security Light for creating Roles for your ISV or custom solution.

Microsoft recently changed the way Partner developer licenses was created. We are working on getting this corrected so all future Partner Developer licenses have access to execute the Easy Security Light solution (and other products). Update 4/30/2012: Microsoft should have corrected the Developer licenses to have access to execute products, please download a new license.

Full access to the source code require signing the Partner Agreement.


NAV Easy Security Light Documentation and FAQs page with installation video and other technical Q&A's.
Easy Security Light Training Video
Comparison of Easy Security editions and features
NAV Easy Security Light Online Help Html Help (include Setup and Installation information)

Documentation and FAQs

NAV Easy Security Light Documentation and FAQs


Modules and pricing for Products. The Easy Security Light must be requested through your NAV partner as other modules for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For the complete recording functionality must a Registration Key be purchased from